Saturday, August 16, 2008

Things I like.

The smell of new books,
Waking up refreshed,
Ice cream,
When something so funny happens that I am laughing so hard I have to stop what I am doing and go into a differant room to recover,
Good comebacks,
Loud music,
When Winegum lies on my back,
Prodding my hip bone,
Getting into the pub,
Thin days [when will they be years?]
Stealing fruit from work,
When people smile at me,
A good rant,
Hugs from people taller than me,
When I actually get on with ma famille,
Watching stupid videos on youtube,
Making stupid projects for myself,
When a book is so good I don't even notice time passing,
When I meet someone new, and we get on so easily it is as if we have known eachother for years,
When people I am serving at work bother to check my nametag and thank me,
Good hair days,
"Feeling up" peoples spines,
A really good song that as soon as you hear the opening bars you know it's going to be good,
Stars, and how no matter what they will always be there,
People who get what they deserve [in a good way!]
Finding money in my pocket,
When I am pissy no one has text me and getting one,
When I have just done some exercise and instead of wanting to die feel refreshed,
People who have amazingly good hair,
When someone has a really good fitting pair of jeans,
Making people laugh,
Making people happy,
That Elmo loves me the most,
My sunglasses,
When I haven't seen somebody in ages, and they are happy to see me,
Frosty mornings,
Cracking my bones,