Saturday, July 25, 2009

How to get past management

I went to my friends debs/prom/formal/whatever yesterday.

I wasnt staying in the hotel, but had left all my drink and bags in my friends hotel room. After the meal, management werent letting anyone who wasnt staying in the hotel out of the banquet room, but I HAD to get my drink!! I went up to the bouncer and manager and was like "Listen, I know yere not letting anyone past, but I left my phone in my friends room and I dont care what ye say because I have to go get it. I have a kid at home, and I will damn well be phoning to make sure shes ok"

They just looked at me, doubtful. So I continued.

"Yeah yeah, Im your typical case of a teenage pregnancy. I DIDNT EXPECT IT. Now, let me out, would you get in the way of a rottweiler and her pup?" *Glare*

And then the trainee manager stepped forward. "Here, you can come up the back way with me. Its fine" and I got brought directly to my room, through the offices. It was great! He said to me as we were wqalking "I know how you feel, I have 3 myself and no one believes me." He was about 22!! :lol

So for the rest of the night I was allowed up to my friends room no hassle, and when I lost my bag the manager helped me look for it.


Only decent picture of me:

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And now Im going to the recovery party. Where we drink more and talk about last night.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Jane: I like you. I like you a lot. I only noticed this about a month or two ago though. You remind me a lot of my sister-in-law (bitchy sister's asshole husband's awesome sister). I really only met her at the wedding, because we were both bridesmaids, but we really hit it off and became best buds for those few days. She's a total drunky, but the cool, super friendly, crazy lady type. I would LOVE to party with you someday. But aside from all that, you seem pretty damn strong too. It seems like you have a "Keep on truckin'" type of attitude, and just want to make the best of life no matter what shit gets thrown at you. I admire that.

Yer ginger
You amuse me greatly. I like how a few years ago you were all"Oh phooey, I burned the darn muffins." Now, you go into a bar, ten minutes later, sailors come runnin' out. What up with that?