Saturday, November 21, 2009


I have lost everything important, but mostly I have lost myself.

How do I find myself?

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Things college has taught me so far:

WELL! It has been a grand two months!

Friends are hard to make
out of two housemates, one is always awesome, the other is a pain in the ass
whenever you are walking home form a night out be it 10pm, 6am, or 4pm, people can tell. and for girls you will always get hit with a call of "WALK OF SHAAAAME!"
girls cannot get the cork out of a bottle of wine
9am lectures are horriffic
€3 shots are beautiful
unplanned nights out are the best!
assignments are never handed in on time
every song is a good song
cameras are essential
you will meet more people from your hometown than if you are at home
parents are to be told nothing

Saturday, July 25, 2009

How to get past management

I went to my friends debs/prom/formal/whatever yesterday.

I wasnt staying in the hotel, but had left all my drink and bags in my friends hotel room. After the meal, management werent letting anyone who wasnt staying in the hotel out of the banquet room, but I HAD to get my drink!! I went up to the bouncer and manager and was like "Listen, I know yere not letting anyone past, but I left my phone in my friends room and I dont care what ye say because I have to go get it. I have a kid at home, and I will damn well be phoning to make sure shes ok"

They just looked at me, doubtful. So I continued.

"Yeah yeah, Im your typical case of a teenage pregnancy. I DIDNT EXPECT IT. Now, let me out, would you get in the way of a rottweiler and her pup?" *Glare*

And then the trainee manager stepped forward. "Here, you can come up the back way with me. Its fine" and I got brought directly to my room, through the offices. It was great! He said to me as we were wqalking "I know how you feel, I have 3 myself and no one believes me." He was about 22!! :lol

So for the rest of the night I was allowed up to my friends room no hassle, and when I lost my bag the manager helped me look for it.


Only decent picture of me:

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And now Im going to the recovery party. Where we drink more and talk about last night.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Jane: I like you. I like you a lot. I only noticed this about a month or two ago though. You remind me a lot of my sister-in-law (bitchy sister's asshole husband's awesome sister). I really only met her at the wedding, because we were both bridesmaids, but we really hit it off and became best buds for those few days. She's a total drunky, but the cool, super friendly, crazy lady type. I would LOVE to party with you someday. But aside from all that, you seem pretty damn strong too. It seems like you have a "Keep on truckin'" type of attitude, and just want to make the best of life no matter what shit gets thrown at you. I admire that.

Yer ginger
You amuse me greatly. I like how a few years ago you were all"Oh phooey, I burned the darn muffins." Now, you go into a bar, ten minutes later, sailors come runnin' out. What up with that?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Well well well!

Today was the firstday of the rest of my life! I started the beloved leaving certificate exam. Not having done any study yet its a bit late to start so I am stumbling into all my exams, blind and most likely drunk! But I dont mind! Sometimes I feel like the only leaving cert who isnt worried about this thing? Anyways, some dumbass in Louth handed out the wrong papers and paper 2 is cancelled till Saturday, which means my plans of getting trashed on Friday night are unlikely to happen, the department of education is so inconsiderate. I happened to be taking a small 4 hour nap when the news broke of the cancellation, woke up disorientated and hungry to find loads of missed calls and texts lamenting the cancellation. I was dazed and confused, disbelieving of the whole fiassco, but eventually I had to see sense. Surely all my friends, thousands of leaving certs on the internet and the national news station hadn't bonded togethor just to trick me?? Anyways, Im grand about it because apparently Theme or Issue hadnt come up on comparitive, the one Ive prepared the most so hopefully itll be on the new paper, but am completely fucked if Bishop dosent come up because as much as I do like Rich Bishop is the only one that has settled in my head.
Started my morning in a... confused manner. Felt like the day should seem like a bigger deal or something? Drove expertly out to Louisburgh, screaming along happily to all the songs. No one was in my vision as I pulled up outside, the school looked dead. I straddled into the building, sunglasses on and not wearing my uniform wondering if it was the right day?
I was hit by a swarm of people, nerves buzzing between them.
I think I pissed off the examiner, as she was busy scurrying to student to student, looking for me to sign my name whilst I was busy on the other side of the room talking appletini's and sunburn.
And how typical is it that I am the only freaking student in the entire exam hall that cannot see the freaking clock from my desk? I am narked about that.
My essay was alright, filled with verbs and emotions but I wasnt really feeling it. I know its npt my best piece ever, and it was total sap in envelope, writing about a stupid relationship and proposal. I know I write from real life experience, but jesus, if my life is as sappy as that I really must shoot myself in the face sometime soon.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A night out with General Socks and The Captain!

A lesson on how to open a bottle of Champagne with me, Jane Jarvis.

1. Remove wire.

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2. Get ready!

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3. POP!!!

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4. Or not...

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5. Concentrate! [LOL!]

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6. Get a friend to help.

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7. Success!!

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8. Drink.

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9. Do Abbey Road.

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10. Go "Clubbing"

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Tuesday, May 5, 2009



Emer Smith: I wanted to be the first to say Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO im saying it a day early lol xxx HAPIEEE BIRTHDAY!!! :-) xxx

Happy Birthday, Jane!
From all of us on The Facebook Team, have a great day!

Liam O'Malley: Happy day of your birth Jane. :)

James Durkan: Jane!
I Freaking Love You.
Happy Birthday.

Charlie Edwards: happy birthday :D

Claire Smith: happy birthday! have a good one x)

Michael Fergus: Happy birthday Jane! Have a good one.

Wesley Gavin: Happy Birthday! dont go too mad!!

Borja GarcĂ­a Garrido: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JANE!!!
Have a good one, n enjoy :D
I miss you!

Anthony Concannon: happy birthday... and all that jazz...



Saoirse Wall: hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaappppyyyyyy birthday!Saoirse Wall posted a Just for you using Mmmm MEN.
hhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaappppyyyyyy birthday!

Corey O' Toole: happy birthday jane!!!:)

Megan Lally: I hope you enjoyed your day of surprises!! Zappy thirthtay!!


inead Ryan: happy 18th birthday :] woop the big day has finaly cum :D haha, have a great day ... and dont get to Hahaha xxx

Luke King Hamill: Happy Birthday Jane!

Stefanie Daley: JAAAAANE!! Youre 18 dudette, HAPPY FREAKIN BIRTHDAY! You are now the savage age of eighteen! Ready to take on the town togethor with out super *cough* Stain *cough*superpowers!! We shall tackle the wonderful world of drink as a team now! An, eh, buy lotto tickets, vote and such... [the responsible, mature activitiesof course! ;)] have a ownderful dayjaney! I'll look forward to our celebratorytipple [= until then my fieryginga of a birthday gal! Have a ball of a time bein legal, babbeh!!

Martin Lynch: Happy Birthday Jane! :)

Mike Hennelly: Happy Birthday!! :)

James Durkan: Fuckface! Happy Freakin Birthday!! You are finally 18, thank fuck!!

Chloe McGuinness: Happy birthday jane darling..have a great day! Enjoy 18, its the best! x :)

Breen Concannon: Bout time... Happy Birthday

Aine: Happy Birthday Jane, Aine

02: Happy Birthday from o2! We hope you have a great day and thanks for being a loyal customer!

Sinead Burge: Hey, Happy Birthday!!

Orla McNally: Happy Birthday!! :]

Robert Burge: Happy Birthday Cousin

Hannah King: Happy Birthday! Would you like to meet up for some kisses? ;)

Karen Francis: Happy Birthday *music note, emote

Sharon McNally: Bon anniversaire! feliz cumpleanos!A very happy birthday my now legal friend!

Hazel Sheridan: Hey hey birthday girl, you like your car? ;]


Sinead Burge: birthday luv

Stefanie Daley: Haaaaappy Biiirrrrrrrthday!





Lorna Sheridan: Happy birthday!!!



Tremendous internal changes, intense effort, relentless determination, compulsive and irrational drives, and strong assertion of your will are the key issues during this time period. This is a difficult time period when you want to make intense changes. This transit can last for a number of weeks.


Power Numbers: 10, 17, 35, 11, 49, 6

Born Today: Soren Kierkegaard, Karl Marx, Christopher Morley, James Beard, Tammy Wynette

This is a good time for you in your emotional relationships. Your ability to express yourself confidently and openly wins you the respect and admiration of others. You can promote ideas and goals that you believe strongly in and. They quietly accept your proposals and ideas, and may even provide some support.

Taurus General Horoscope
Tremendous internal changes, intense effort, relentless determination, compulsive and irrational drives, and strong assertion of your will are the key issues during this time period. This is a difficult time period when you want to make intense changes. This transit can last for a number of weeks.

Myspace: Managing your day is a cakewalk for you because your greatest strength now is the easy availability of all the determination you need. Nothing is going to pull you off track now, enabling you to finish whatever you start. Don't worry about working too fast; take your time and plod along like an ambling bull. You'll arrive at your destination on your own schedule.



Monday, May 4, 2009


Last summer I was at the gaeltacht for three weeks. I went up with five lads Im great friends with, but they were in a different house to me. Every day after lunch and dinner I would walk down to their house and me and Dermot and Luke would go to this old crumbling cottage nearby and spark up, we even stole a patio set from a nearby summer house to sit on. On our first Sunday there I got up early and went down to them, they were up and we went to the house and just smoked solidly for an hour. Eventually we were so fucked and were just sitting there. Dermot stood up and said "Im just going outside" and left. A minute later Luke said "Im just going to check on him" and went out too. I went out when he didnt come back and the two of them were lieing star style in this long grass right by the door. I stared at them for a second before stretching out between them. The three of us just lay there, in the grass on the side of the [albeit unused] road in the sunshine for about an hour. I just felt so content and happy for that hour. We always talk back on it "hey, remember that first Sunday at the gaeltacht when we couldnt move off the side of the road."

Tuesday, May 5

You're getting a strong love vibe from someone who can't take their eyes off of you -- maybe your sweetie, if you're already dating, or maybe someone you don't even know all that well.



Saturday, May 2, 2009



Sincerely, Jane.

Whooo!! 3 days till 18!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

I am so freaking dramatic.

I can't help it sometimes


Sunday, January 25, 2009


Well, I finaly did it. After 4 glorious months together I finaly crashed my car. Blue Beauty is no more!! It's so sad really!! I was driving home, and on the road just before the house when I noticed a fresh fall of hail on the ground. So I slowed down and was just going around a bend when I slid, spun, and hit a lamp post. [Which was lucky actually, because either that or go off a ridge, definite broken bone]

It's just so infuriating, I wasn't even going fast in the first place, and had just slowed down! Fate decided to fuck me over. I was supposed to stay in town with Sharon, but she was sick so that didn't happen. Then I was stuck behind a tractor the whole way home. If I had been on that road 2 minutes earlier, there wouldn't have been any hail. 2 minutes later, and it would have been washed away by the rain that began to fall as I stood helplessy on the side of the road waiting for a car flag down. Such a waste of money too, I feel so bad :( :( :(

I've been thinking lately of the "phantom phone buzz". I've been experiencing it a lot recently!! Sometimes I don't even have my phone in my pocket, and I feel it! If it's not my phone then what the hell is it?!? My ovary!?! Can they buzz?!?!?

I've also come to the conclusion that it is really hard to argue your maturity when your tongue is the same colour as your t-shirt [and your t-shirt is blue]

"No Jane, the reason you won't be bringing your cat to college is because you will prolly be living in the same place as me and I hate cat's, not because he bit you on the thumb when you were petting him"

In other news, my mocks are less than two weeks away and I haven't done a tap of study. Ok, that is a lie, I have studied. But studying and then retaining the knowledge are two different things!! It is impossible! I'm completely funked, and mother dear will be disappointed in me. Although the mocks aren't too important, they don't get me into college now do they? No! Speaking of college, I have to make a final deision on that. It's funny, 5 months ago I went to the NUIG open day and spent all my time dossing and not getting any information on courses because "I wasn't going to be going there!" and now every course I'm putting down is there. At least I know that the hot chocolate is good!!! In regards to my decision, I'm slightly disappointed in myself. When I was 4 I was definitely going to be a doctor, now I'm going for arts?! Where have my aspirations gone?!? I'm even worried that I won't get enough points for arts!!! Fuck me.

And finaly, living proof that perseverence pays off!! I can finaly click my finger's! Not well, or extremely loudly, but there is a genuine noise!! I'm so proud, this ability was but a dream to me and now it is reality!! I feel so proud of myself, I just want to go out and click at a waiter [but I never would because that is extremely belittling to the waiter, and cause for a spit-filled meal]

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A summing up.

Today's conclusion: My hand is perfect pringle tube size, I really hope that I am past the age of growth because I think I will cry if I ever find it difficult to get my NOMS.

Last night I went to a play with The Mothership, there was a raffle and I was sitting there being uninterested and the raffle woman was all "Now I'll ask this young one here to pull the first ticket" and she was referring to a little 8 year old girl in the second row. I was ignoring her and my mother was joking about how it would be really funny if she asked James [mothers friends sprog] to pull a raffle ticket as he is 13 years old and "hahaha, wouldnt that be embarrassing!" Next thing we hear "Oh here's another little girl who'll pull a ticket!" I was still ignoring the proceeding when lo and behold I look up from picking my nails and yer wan was holding out the box to me.


Not all old people are tall, its not my fault I was given this cross to bare!!

I think it is hilarious that the word "bed" physically looks like a bed. Brilliant.

GOOD DAY! I LOOOOOOOOVE EVERYTHING!! [Some things more than others!]
A letter.

Dear phone,
You are awesome. I'm so sorry I dropped you outside in the rain yesterday and did not realise for up to three hours, but hey at least I remembered eventually right? Anyways, Im so glad you are a flip phone and kept all your beautiful buttons safe from harm, and happened to land on your face sso you were "back up".
Keep on rocking phone, I'll try to be more attentive with you.

Love, Jane.