Sunday, January 25, 2009


Well, I finaly did it. After 4 glorious months together I finaly crashed my car. Blue Beauty is no more!! It's so sad really!! I was driving home, and on the road just before the house when I noticed a fresh fall of hail on the ground. So I slowed down and was just going around a bend when I slid, spun, and hit a lamp post. [Which was lucky actually, because either that or go off a ridge, definite broken bone]

It's just so infuriating, I wasn't even going fast in the first place, and had just slowed down! Fate decided to fuck me over. I was supposed to stay in town with Sharon, but she was sick so that didn't happen. Then I was stuck behind a tractor the whole way home. If I had been on that road 2 minutes earlier, there wouldn't have been any hail. 2 minutes later, and it would have been washed away by the rain that began to fall as I stood helplessy on the side of the road waiting for a car flag down. Such a waste of money too, I feel so bad :( :( :(

I've been thinking lately of the "phantom phone buzz". I've been experiencing it a lot recently!! Sometimes I don't even have my phone in my pocket, and I feel it! If it's not my phone then what the hell is it?!? My ovary!?! Can they buzz?!?!?

I've also come to the conclusion that it is really hard to argue your maturity when your tongue is the same colour as your t-shirt [and your t-shirt is blue]

"No Jane, the reason you won't be bringing your cat to college is because you will prolly be living in the same place as me and I hate cat's, not because he bit you on the thumb when you were petting him"

In other news, my mocks are less than two weeks away and I haven't done a tap of study. Ok, that is a lie, I have studied. But studying and then retaining the knowledge are two different things!! It is impossible! I'm completely funked, and mother dear will be disappointed in me. Although the mocks aren't too important, they don't get me into college now do they? No! Speaking of college, I have to make a final deision on that. It's funny, 5 months ago I went to the NUIG open day and spent all my time dossing and not getting any information on courses because "I wasn't going to be going there!" and now every course I'm putting down is there. At least I know that the hot chocolate is good!!! In regards to my decision, I'm slightly disappointed in myself. When I was 4 I was definitely going to be a doctor, now I'm going for arts?! Where have my aspirations gone?!? I'm even worried that I won't get enough points for arts!!! Fuck me.

And finaly, living proof that perseverence pays off!! I can finaly click my finger's! Not well, or extremely loudly, but there is a genuine noise!! I'm so proud, this ability was but a dream to me and now it is reality!! I feel so proud of myself, I just want to go out and click at a waiter [but I never would because that is extremely belittling to the waiter, and cause for a spit-filled meal]

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