Saturday, January 9, 2010


here I am supposed to be tidying my room before I go back to Galway but fock that because mother dear is a complete psycho bitch and i dont give a shit. Really sick of her telling me everyone hates me, that Im useless and she wishes I wasnt talking to her instead of daddy dear [4 years already. Hmm] so fuck her.

Instead I am thinking of 2009 and all the joys and sorrows it brought, having not yet summed it up for future reference, here it is!

The Joys:

College- What can I say, Heritage studies in GMIT? Not my first choice, but fuck do I love it. I love the people in my class, hilarious they all are, the people I live with [as annoying as they can be fock it, im sure im not a delight to live with either] the people ive met [lads next door, brilliant fun. Love going out drinking with them, going over to theirs for feasts based consisting mainly of potatoes] the drinking, oh the drinking! Eoin being right next door, the people hes introduced me too. Fuck, I even love the people of my early college days that through whatever occurences I dont see anymore. I love Galway itself, I love the randomness of it all. I love the freedom, and being by myself in the world. I love it all.

Spain- June, apres bac celebrations avec Megan and Stefanie. I loved the drunken nights, when me and megan ran around drinking for 2 hours and ended up with me falling out of a taxi at the door of a hotel and puking everywhere, me and megan laughing at the "I was with the short guy but i really liked the short guy you were with" "I liked the tall guy you were with!?" Falling asleep mid conversation with a spanish lad and having a nice 2 hour vodka induced sleep in the sand, running to midnight mass with those other lasds, finding the instruments on the beach, getting my haircut by a woman with no english with my no spanish and being hungover as sin, never making it down to breakfast, getting on the wrong plane, BABEHH!

The boys- Oh there has been many, the Schveeeedishness of Anders [now engaged HAHAHAHA] "want to meet for some kisses?"
Mike- "Oh my god, I love you!?" [he sounded shocked] shame really.
AAH, You just bit me?!?" "Well I told you to shut up"
countless faceless and nameless people.
Tom. Oh Tom! Dont care if he had a girlfriend, fight stopped by Davitt, the hilariousness of it all. He fell for me!!
Darragh- I just, I just cant resist.

The amazing drunken summer I had with Megan, Hael, Mike, Pj, Chris. Chris running home. Getting on first name terms with the bouncers in thhe castle. The castle itself. All magical.

Turning 18- My proudest moment, living this long. Quite the feat. Night filled with mistakes, but whatever.

Going out DURING the leaving cert. Never been that drunk in my life

Getting into Schkamps underage- "Youre on the bridge"

The hilarious quotes of the year, all found on facebook. HMMM. Cant remember much else.

The Lows

Ugh, Kilcoyne. Boy was I drunk. Woke up in Carlys not remembering having even gone there. My face must have been brilliant when they told me what Id done. The shame as I hitched home, the reaction when Carkys mother herself picked me up.

Crashing my beloved Punto, was rushing home to watch Gilmore girls and hit a pole. The kicker? Missed gilmore girls AND the repeat.

Not getting into college- Twas a dark day for me. Granted I quickly found an alternative, and Im happy now. But fuck was it depressing.

A week in hospital after the leaving cert- fucking mother doesnt believe me when Im sick and what does it fucking get me? Bitch.

The mumps. They suck. Missed my last 2 weeks of secondary school ever. Bah.

Spending the first 3 weeks of the year sick in bed. An effective diet, but horrible.

When that cow cut they layes in my hair so short they curled like fuck and I nearly cried for a week. Still not fully grown out!!


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